Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Poo Poo & Chew Chew on the Shoe Shoe

Do you ever look down when you walk? Thankfully yesterday I did.
Standing in line at the catalog return desk at Penney's yesterday (to return something that I should not have bought in the first place) I stood smiling, watching the middle one prance the small one around the room holding hands so lovingly. All was great until doh... he pranced him directly into a mess on the floor. After chastising him for not paying attention I quickly swooped up baby and finished my transaction. As we were leaving, further down the hall, I luckily decided to look down at the floor just in time to save the big one from the same fate, but then we saw it again... and again...pile after pile of brown chocolate on the floor. In an instant of realization and a rush of panic, I looked down at the shoe gently bumping against my hip as we walked. I ripped off the shoe and braved a sniff and the gentle caress of Cocoa was not what touched my nose. Well... the boys immediately started gagging and wretching and as we walked out of the store the baby happily chirped "momma, poo poo shoe shoe".

A while later as I furiously scrubbed the shoe at the spicket with an old toothbrush, bleach and water I could not help to think that the shoe had been disgraced and forever soiled by that filth. There were other things that soiled our shoes that day, a puddle of shiny oil brought out by the rain and some chew, chew left by a manly passer by. As a germaphobic family we DO NOT wear shoes in our home. We vowed to never bring the filth of the outside world into our home. It struck me that while I am so concerned about what our shoes bring onto the house that I totally disregard the other filth that I bring home and soil my kids hearts with. What about the wii that we got for Christmas in the name of exercise? Or the Nintendo DS that we bought in the name of long hours waiting at the doctor? The 2 year contract with Direct TV? The Kindle? The Ipod Touch and it's Angry Birds? For at least the last 8 years God has put it in my heart to simplify and rid ourselves of these things, what will it take for me to finally obey?
To finally worry less about their "soles" and more about their "Souls"?
While I will try not to use a christian metaphor in everything that I write, I would be remiss not to at least recognize the lessons that God has for us as we WALK through our day.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me think of Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." How wonderful that God can use "poo poo" on the "shoe shoe" to teach such a good and important lesson!
    Love, Mom
