Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Potty Training at two?

Potty Training at 2? That is crazy! I never would have been able to accomplish this with the older two but baby is so smart. I suppose it comes from being the third. He gets to learn everything from all the rest of us.
Right now when I ask him if he wants to go on the potty his response is of course a big nooooooo! He says it just like that emphasizing the oooo.
Here is his idea of potty training though. Pooh in the potty :0)

We will juat have to see how it goes!


  1. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Thanks for following my blog. Nice to meet you. I enjoyed looking around a bit. Our families are opposite. I have mostly girls and you have all boys. My third one was the easiest to potty train. She had seen her older siblings go often enough (it happens when they're all little) so knew the drill. She matter-of-factly followed suit and took a short time to transition out of diapers. What a gift.:) Hope things go well with the pottytraining.

  3. Potty training girls seems to be much easier than boys. At least I am finding it to be that way. Abriel is nearly all the way there- Samuel, not so much. Great blog BTW!
